Further south towards rivers inlet meeting my friends on the Kynok seiner--invited me on board( they waiting for opening next day) and before i could sit down breakfast which i didnt even ask for- so hospitable--spent couple of hours chatting/sharing--they from Bella Bella their boat was sooo clean could eat off floor--captain wished me calm waters in my journey which he enjoyed hearing--but he didn't offer me a job--going through some pretty narrow passages and usually making it/ rivers inlet stayed in old goose bay cannery which is now purchased and being rebuilt by 30 van firefighters who each have a share and will eventually start some sort of adventure resort--lots of bear wolf ... and 8 fishing lodges some with satellite connections for their clients in area--another Finton power production process--somerone was thinking--very interesting/nice chicken dinner with perogies made by my new friend Rick the caretaker of the cannery and local satellite installer/heading south--old canneries closing towns and now mills shutting down taking towns with them

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